监测夏冬季双向四车道公路两侧林带降噪效果,分析了夏、冬季植物体内部构造及外部形态特征的不同对交通噪声衰减的影响。结果表明,季节的变化主要影响大于500 Hz频段噪声衰减量,这一频段噪声衰减量变化与叶片数量有关;低于500 Hz频段林带噪声衰减量主要与植物茎的胸径及数量有关,季节变化对此频率段噪声衰减量影响不显著。落叶阔叶林带夏季噪声衰减量大于冬季,常绿林带夏、冬季噪声衰减量大致相同。
The noise reduction effect of forest belts on both sides of the two-way four-lane highway in summer and winter was monitored. The effects of different internal structures and external morphological characteristics of summer and winter plants on traffic noise attenuation were analyzed. The results show that the seasonal variation mainly affects the noise attenuation in the frequency band more than 500 Hz. The variation of noise attenuation in this frequency band is related to the leaf number. The attenuation of forest noise in the frequency band below 500 Hz is mainly related to the diameter and number of the stem of the plant. This frequency band noise attenuation has no significant effect. Deciduous broad-leaved forest belt summer noise attenuation is greater than in winter, evergreen forest belt summer and winter noise attenuation roughly the same.