
来源 :中国高校后勤研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kuaileyt
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最近日美两国的研究证明,茶叶具有抑制肺癌、胃癌和膀胱癌及预防脂肪肝等病的功效。日本成年男性的吸烟率高达59%,而美国是30%,但肺癌的发病率和死亡率日本却低于美国。原因何在呢?有关专家认为,这与日本人嗜茶有密切的关系。美国一家研究机构用老鼠进行绿茶抑制癌变效果的研究,发现喝绿茶的老鼠比不喝绿茶的老鼠肺癌发病率低50%。绿茶还具有抑制胃癌的效用。日本静冈县医院进行了多年诊疗和观察,发现这个县的胃癌发生率及死亡率均低于全国的平均数,其原因是静冈人有每天饮茶的习惯,其绿茶摄取量大于非绿茶生产地的人们。 Recent studies in Japan and the United States have proved that tea has the efficacy of inhibiting lung cancer, gastric cancer, bladder cancer, and preventing fatty liver and other diseases. The smoking rate of adult males in Japan is as high as 59%, while that of the United States is 30%. However, the incidence and mortality of lung cancer in Japan are lower than in the United States. What are the reasons? Experts believe that this is closely related to Japanese tea lovers. A research institute in the United States used mice to study the effects of green tea on inhibiting canceration. It was found that mice drinking green tea had a 50% lower incidence of lung cancer than mice that did not drink green tea. Green tea also has the effect of inhibiting gastric cancer. Shizuoka Prefecture Hospital in Japan conducted many years of treatment and observation and found that the prevalence of gastric cancer and the mortality rate in this county were lower than the national average. The reason is that Shizuoka people have a habit of drinking tea every day. Their green tea intake is greater than that of non-green tea. People in production areas.
A ccording to the information of National Statistics Bureau that producerprices of agricultural prod ucts in the second quarter this year increasedby A ccordi
调查发现,许多消费者在选择手机电池时,存在两大误区: 一、盲目追求新技术。目前手机电池分三种类型:镍镉、镍氢和锂电池。镍镉类电池因含有汞、镉等有害重金属及“记忆效应
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