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《专利法》第四次修订预期将把专利当然许可纳入中国的专利制度,以期促进国内专利技术的实施与传播。虽然当然许可刚被介绍入中国,但其在国外已经是较为成熟的专利交易许可机制,因此借鉴国际经验、结合国情,促使当然许可制度的本土化便是学术研究的当务之急。本文基于针对中国当前专利制度运行现状的探讨、国外专利当然许可制度的法律规定与实施情况的介绍以及围绕当然许可所产生的一系列理论问题的研究,试图为未来专利当然许可制度的构建提出一套较为详细的实施细则。文章在结构上,首先将通过介绍目前中国专利的实施运用情况,结合《合同法》与《专利法》的相关理论,分析中国《专利法》中当然许可的基本法律构造、对于社会进步的意义,并引申出当前中国法律引进专利当然许可制度的必要性。继而,将综述现存的或者曾经施行专利当然许可制度的部分国家的法律规定,阐述其基本的实施情况,并从中寻找可以被中国引以为鉴的经验和教训。再者,通过将专利的当然许可与强制许可、默示许可及专利池等其他的许可模式进行理论上的比照研究,明确当然许可在众多实施模式中的功能定位。最后,本文将综合前文的分析,从理论角度整体规划中国的专利当然许可制度的框架,再提出具有可执行性的具体政策方案。 The Fourth Amendment to the Patent Law is expected to incorporate the patent’s granted patent into China’s patent system with a view to promoting the implementation and dissemination of domestic patent technology. Although of course the permission has just been introduced into China, it is already a relatively mature licensing mechanism for patent transactions in other countries. Therefore, drawing on international experience and combining with national conditions, it is imperative for academic research to promote the localization of the ex officio licensing system. Based on the discussion of the present situation of the patent system in China, the introduction of the legal provisions and implementation of the foreign patent’s permissive system and the research on a series of theoretical issues arising from the excuse of excuse, this paper attempts to propose a Set of more detailed implementation details. In terms of structure, first of all, by introducing the application and implementation of the current Chinese patent and combining the relevant theories of “Contract Law” and “Patent Law”, the paper analyzes the basic legal constructions permitted in China’s Patent Law and the significance of social progress , And extended the necessity of introducing the system of patent’s permissiveness in current Chinese law. Then we will review the legal provisions of some countries that exist or have ever been granted a patent’s permissive system, explain their basic implementation and look for lessons and lessons that China can learn from. Furthermore, a theoretical comparison of the patent’s permissive and competing licenses, implied licenses, patent pools, and other licensing models is made to clarify the functional orientation that is, of course, permitted in many implementations. Finally, based on the analysis above, this article plans the overall framework of the patent’s permissive system in China from a theoretical point of view, and then proposes the specific policy scheme with enforceability.
幼师国标:衡量专业性的尺度  编者按:  孩子“入园难”,更难的是入好园;幼儿园缺教师,更缺的是好教师。但,何为好?何为不好?不好、好与更好差多少?没有标准谁都难以明辨,甚至连教师自身也会迷茫。而定这个标准有那么急迫吗?答案无论在密集出台的《国务院关于当前发展学前教育的若干意见》(国十条)和各地学前教育三年行动计划中,还是在中央领导同志的有关讲话中都可见一斑。  于是,国家幼儿教师专业标准(幼师国