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用48只小鼠观察3种剂量金石散对二甲苯诱发耳廓炎症的作用。结果显示:金石散高、中剂量组鼠耳的吸光度及耳重明显低于盐水组(P<0.01),而低剂量组与盐水组相比差别不明显(P>0.05),鼠耳吸光度与耳重呈正相关(P<0.05)。从而说明金石散不仅具有溶解胆结石的功效,还具有明显的抗炎作用,提示对胆道感染亦有良好的药效。 48 mice were used to observe the effects of three doses of pendants on xylene induced auricle inflammation. The results showed that the absorbance and ear weight of the ear were significantly lower than those of the saline group (P <0.01), while the difference between the low dose group and saline group was not significant (P> 0.05) Absorbance in rat ears was positively correlated with ear weight (P <0.05). Thus that Jinshi powder not only has the effect of dissolving gallstones, but also has obvious anti-inflammatory effect, suggesting that the biliary tract infection also has good efficacy.
目的 研究脱毒清肺胶囊对昆明种小鼠机体免疫功能。移植肿瘤生长以及对人肺癌SPC—A—1细胞株的影响。方法 对肺癌进行了扶正抗癌的实验研究。结果 该药可使荷瘤小鼠脾和胸腺
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1 把茶叶蘸湿捣烂,敷在蜂蜇、虫咬处,可消肿、止痛、止痒。 2 茶叶30克,水煎取浓汁,加红糖50克,再煎至发黑饮服,可治腹泻。 3 绿茶泡浓茶水一杯,加醋少许饮服,可治暑热泄泻
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Regarding flowing granular media as weak transverse isotropic media, the phase velocity expressions of wave P, wave SH and wave SV were deduced, the propagation