
来源 :建筑机械化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:storm030
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《建筑机械化》自1980年创刊以来,在编辑部全体成员的辛勤耕耘、不懈努力下,以其丰富的内容、崭新的版面,迎来了第100期的出版,谨此表示热烈祝贺。《建筑机械化》促进了施工机械化的发展和技术进步;施工机械化的实践和技术进步也使《建筑机械化》充满了生命的活力,结出了丰满的硕果。其主要特点是:1 在化字上狠下功夫机械设备是实现施工机械化的重要物质基础,但有了机械设备并不等于就有了施工机械化,还必须综合考虑施工现场条件、建 Since its inception in 1980, Construction Mechanization has welcomed the 100th edition with its rich content and new layout under the hard work and unremitting efforts of all members of the editorial department. I would like to express my warm congratulations. “Construction Mechanization” promoted the development of mechanization of construction and technological advancement; the practice and technological progress of construction mechanization also made “Mechanization of Construction” full of life vitality and bear full fruit. Its main features are: 1 It is an important material basis for realizing the mechanization of construction in terms of mechanical tools. However, the existence of mechanical equipment does not mean that there will be mechanization of construction. It must also consider the construction site conditions and construction.
由北京装饰新技术开发公司与山东临沂工业搪瓷厂合作建设的国内第一条仿金砖生产线,日前在沂蒙山区建成投产。该线总投资800万元,可年产仿金砖100m~2。该产品 The first im
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