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通过二年四季的水稻需肥规律研究,结果表明,元江河谷区水稻植株含N量生育前期高于后期;P、K含量早、晚稻明显不同,早稻生育中期含量较高,而且出现一个吸K高峰,前后期较低,晚稻的P、K含量与含N量的变化基本相同;从水稻一生中积累N、P、K总量的情况看,至抽穗期,其N、P、K积累量分别占全生育期积累总量:早稻为86、75、61%,晚稻为64、65、75%.根据该区水稻的吸肥利点,应采取相应的施肥措施,氮肥应早施重施,配合适量追施,磷肥早稻宜底、追结合,晚稻宜底施,钾肥早稻直追施,晚稻宜底、追结合. The results showed that the content of N in the rice plants of Yuanjiang River Valley was higher than that in the late stage. The content of P and K was earlier and the late rice was obviously different. The content of early rice had a higher content in mid-term, and a K The peak and the late phase were lower. The content of P and K in late rice was basically the same as the content of N in rice. From the accumulation of N, P and K in rice during the whole life, the accumulation of N, P and K Respectively, accounting for the total amount of accumulated growth during the whole growth period: 86,75,61% for early rice and 64,65,75% for late rice.According to the fertilizer-absorbing points of paddy rice in the area, appropriate fertilization measures should be taken, With the amount of top-dressing, phosphate fertilizer early rice at the end, chasing the combination of late rice at the end of facilities, potash early topdressing, late rice to the bottom, chase after the combination.
【摘要】在教学活动中行动研究作为一种反思性探究活动,是教师在教学活动中基于自我反思和调查研究结果而进行的改善教学实践的研究。本文通过对行动研究理论的阐述,根据笔者的实践经验,就如何实现行动研究在培养大学生英语翻译能力中的有效应用展开分析,并对其研究结果进行有效的反思,以期对提升英语翻译教学质量有一定的积极意义。  【关键词】行动研究 大学生 英语翻译能力 有效应用  提高大学生的英语翻译能力是现行
【摘要】CBI理论是将语言教学基于某个学科教学或基于某种主题教学,在学习学科知识的过程中同时获得语言技能,达到学科学习和语言学习相结合的教学理念。以CBI理论为基础进行商务英语视听说课程教学模式研究,旨在将知识学习和语言学习、学术教学和职业技能习得相结合,以摒弃在大多数教育背景下人为的将语言教学与学科教学相分离的现象,为提高学生商务英语语言实际运用能力提供一种有效途径。  【关键词】CBI理论 商
Nowadays,the world is in the way of globalization,and people communicate with each other by using a common language—English,a universal language in the interna