
来源 :福建林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helly986
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基于对南京聚宝山郊野公园的样地调查,以不同生境的样地作为资源位,以物种重要值作为资源位的状态指标,运用Levins和Hurlbert生态位宽度指数、Pianka生态位重叠指数和Schoener生态位相似比例指数,测定并分析乔木层13个优势种群的生态位特征。结果表明:1Levins和Hurlbert 2种生态位宽度指数测定结果差异不大,均表明朴树、黄连木和短柄枹具有较大的生态位宽度,对群落结构和功能起着决定作用;213个优势种群间生态位重叠值>0.500的仅有1对,生态位重叠的程度不大,表明各主要树种之间竞争并不激烈。主要树种间生态位相似比例<0.2000的占总对数(78对)的71.8%,生态位相似比例也较小,各主要树种对资源利用的相似程度较低。综合分析表明,聚宝山郊野公园乔木层各主要种群间竞争不激烈,关系较缓和,群落处于相对稳定的状态。 Based on the sample survey of Jubao Mountain Country Park in Nanjing, the sampling plots of different habitats were used as resource bits and the important value of species as resource status indicators. The Levins and Hurlbert niche breadth index, Pianka niche overlap index and Schoener ecology The similarity index was used to determine and analyze the niche characteristics of 13 dominant populations in the arbor layer. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the two ecological niche breadth indexes of 1Levins and Hurlbert, which indicated that there were greater niche breadths of Puzhu, Pistacia chinensis and Brachypodium distachyon, which played a decisive role in community structure and function; 213 dominant populations There was only one pair with the overlap of niche> 0.500, and the degree of niche overlap was not large, indicating that the competition among the main species was not intense. The proportion of niche in main tree species was less than 0.2000, accounting for 71.8% of the total number of pairs (78 pairs). The similar proportion of niche was also smaller, and the similarity of resource utilization between the main tree species was lower. The comprehensive analysis shows that the competition among the main populations in Jubao Mountain Country Park is not intense, the relationship is relatively mild, and the community is in a relatively stable state.
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