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自省人民委员会(56)省人刘字第282号“关于适当调整军队转业干部中技术人员工作的通知”下达后,各地、各部门对具有各种专业技术的军队转业干部,凡当地可以自行调整的,大体已调整完毕。但据各地报告,目前尚有不少军队转业的技术人员,因各种原因未能及时予以调整。为了迅速妥善合理使用这批干部,充分发挥他们的专长,以适应社会主义建设需要,特作如下通知:一、军队转业干部中,具有适用予交通运输部门技术的各种技术干部,包括汽车修理、驾驶、坦克、摩托等,一律确定调整到交通系统。各专、市人事部门,应会同交通厅运输局所属之长治、晋南、晋中、晋北、雁北等五个运输分局,根据当地军队转业干部的政治和技术能力,就地进行调整。要求于十一月十日前调整完毕。如当地人数太多,容纳不下者,应报省统筹解决。二、除交通、邮电(另有通知),由各级自行调整外,军队转业干部中,有铁路、工业机械、气 Provincial People's Committee (56) Provincial People's Liu Zi No. 282 “on the appropriate adjustment of the military retired cadres in the work of technical personnel,” issued, all localities and departments of all kinds of professional and technical military cadres, where the local can Self-adjustment, has generally been adjusted. However, according to reports from various places, there are still quite a few technical workers who have switched to military operations and have not been able to adjust them in time for various reasons. In order to promptly and properly use these cadres and give full play to their expertise to meet the needs of socialist construction, we hereby make the following special notice: 1. Among the cadres who have been re-employed by the army, all kinds of technical cadres who are qualified to apply to the transportation sector, including auto repair , Driving, tanks, motorcycles, etc., all determined to adjust to the traffic system. The personnel departments of various specialties and municipalities shall, in conjunction with the transport bureau of Changzhi, Jinnan, Jinzhong, Jinbei and Yanbei, affiliated to the Transport Bureau of the Communications Department, make adjustments on the spot according to the political and technical abilities of the local military demobilized cadres. Requirements before November 10 adjustment completed. If the local population is too large to accommodate those who should be reported to the province co-ordinate solution. Second, in addition to transportation, post and telecommunications (notice), at all levels of self-adjustment, the military cadres, there are railways, industrial machinery, gas
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