
来源 :财政监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dragon624
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为了规范财政部门监督行为,加强财政管理,切实保障财政资金安全规范有效使用,维护国家财经秩序,日前,财政部发布了《财政部门监督办法》(财政部令第69号,以下简称《办法》)。《办法》的出台,对提高财政管理科学化精细化水平,建立健全预算编制、执行和监督相互制约、相互协调的机制,保障财政职能作用的发挥,推进财政部门依法行政、依法理财具有十分重要的意义。为了更加深入学习和贯彻《办法》内容,本刊总结了国外及近年来地方财政监督法制建设经验,并结合近年来财政监督发展的新形势及地方财政监督工作亮点,对《财政部门监督办法》进行了综合全面报道。 In order to standardize the supervision of the financial sector, strengthen financial management, effectively safeguard the effective use of financial capital safety norms, and maintain the national financial order, recently, the Ministry of Finance issued the “Measures for the Supervision of the Financial Sector” (Ministry of Finance Order No. 69, hereinafter referred to as the “Measures” ). The promulgation of the “Measures” is of great importance in enhancing the level of scientifically elaborating financial management, establishing and perfecting mechanisms for the budget preparation, implementation and supervision of mutual restraint and mutual coordination, ensuring the function of financial functions, and promoting the administration of the financial sector according to law and in accordance with the law Meaning. In order to further study and implement the contents of the Measures, this paper summarizes the experience of the local financial supervision and legal system construction abroad and in recent years. Combining with the new situation of the financial supervision and development and the bright spot of local financial supervision in recent years, Conducted a comprehensive and comprehensive report.
THE terrain of Dongying is relentlessly flat, and on the vast plain that surrounds it nodding pump jacks are ubiquitous. They have become a symbol of the city,
马志刚始终以民主作风管理企业,同新、老班子成员一道,认真履行自己的职责和义务,他带领全体干部员工,全面贯彻辽宁公司年 Ma Zhigang has always been a democratic style
大概是因为到了一定年龄的缘故,我开始关注起网络或者杂志上的一些长寿之道。早年我最关注的是服装、美容之类内容,年岁渐长,觉得一切都不重要了,健康才是最重要的事。  谁不希望长寿呢?即使我们像草一样平凡卑微,也希望多享几年阳光雨露,多赏几年云卷云飞,多看几年春花秋月——世界如此美好,生命如果永不凋谢该有多好!  人活着不能挥霍,凡事都要有所节制。还有一点也很重要,心态要豁达淡然,不刻意,不强求,随遇而
大家知道,在设计和制造普通冷冲模时,对于模具间隙的选取,我们往往每次都要查书,而每本书给出的间隙值又不一样,有时还相差很大,这给我们的设计和制造带来诸多不便。 We al
当前配件市场较乱,尤其进口配件更是鱼龙混杂,常使用户无所适从。然而,通过对包装、质量、价格、进货渠道等方面的鉴别,则可判断进口件的真伪。 The current parts market more