Research Status and Prospect of Larix spp.Wood Modification

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktzgy
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Larix spp.wood is one of the major fast-growing tree species in China,which also has the most forest storage in the northeast of China.Several key properties modification methods and achievements of Larix spp.wood were summarized based on their characteristics.Technology problems of properties modification and new use prospect of modified Larix spp.wood were all discussed. Larix spp.wood is one of the major fast-growing tree species in China, which also has the most forest storage in the northeast of China. Several key properties modification methods and achievements of Larix spp. Wood were summarized based on their characteristics. Technology problems of properties modification and new use prospect of modified Larix spp.wood were all discussed.
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