p21 is Responsible for Ionizing Radiation-induced Bypass of Mitosis

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:knwin
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Objective To explore the role of p21 in ionizing radiation-induced changes in protein levels during the G2/M transition and long-term G2 arrest.Methods Protein expression levels were assessed by western blot in the human uveal melanoma 92-1 cells after treatment with ionizing radiation.Depletion of p21 was carried out by employing the siR NA technique.Cell cycle distribution was determined by flow cytometry combined with histone H3 phosphorylation at Ser28,an M-phase marker.Senescence was assessed by senescenceassociated-β-galactosidase(SA-β-gal) staining combined with Ki67 staining,a cell proliferation marker.Results Accompanying increased p21,the protein levels of G2/M transition genes declined significantly in 92-1 cells irradiated with 5 Gy of X-rays.Furthermore,these irradiated cells were blocked at the G2 phase followed by cellular senescence.Depletion of p21 rescued radiation-induced G2 arrest as demonstrated by the upregulation of G2/M transition kinases,as well as the high expression of histone H3 phosphorylated at Ser28.Knockdown of p21 resulted in entry into mitosis of irradiated 92-1 cells.However,cells with serious DNA damage failed to undergo cytokinesis,leading to the accumulation of multinucleated cells.Conclusion Our results indicated that p21 was responsible for the downregulation of G2/M transition regulatory proteins and the bypass of mitosis induced by irradiation.Downregulation of p21 by siR NA resulted in G2-arrested cells entering into mitosis with serious DNA damage.This is the first report on elucidating the role of p21 in the bypass of mitosis. Objective To explore the role of p21 in ionizing radiation-induced changes in protein levels during the G2 / M transition and long-term G2 arrest. Methods Protein expression levels were assessed by western blot in the human uveal melanoma 92-1 cells after treatment with ionizing radiation. Depiption of p21 was carried out by employing the siR NA technique. Cell cycle distribution was determined by flow cytometry combined with histone H3 phosphorylation at Ser28, an M-phase marker. Senescence was assessed by senescenceassociated-β-galactosidase (SA- β-gal) staining combined with Ki67 staining, a cell proliferation marker. Results Accompanying increased p21, the protein levels of G2 / M transition genes declined significantly in 92-1 cells irradiated with 5 Gy of X-rays. were blocked at the G2 phase followed by cellular senescence. Depletion of p21 rescued radiation-induced G2 arrest as demonstrated by the upregulation of G2 / M transition kinases, as well as the high e Expression of histone H3 phosphorylated at Ser28. Knockdown of p21 resulted in entry into mitosis of irradiated 92-1 cells. However, cells with serious DNA damage failed to under cytokinesis, leading to the accumulation of multinucleated cells. Confluence Our results indicated that p21 was responsible for the downregulation of G2 / M transition regulatory proteins and the bypass of mitosis induced by irradiation. Downregulation of p21 by siR NA resulted in G2-arrested cells entering into mitosis with serious DNA damage. this is the first report on elucidating the role of p21 in the bypass of mitosis.
冬日的清晨,寒冷的雾气在阳光下一点点消散。我打着呵欠下楼,向着小区外的早餐店走去。  人民的生活水平可真是提高了不少,小区路边停满了轿车。我的目光扫过一辆又一辆车,忽然定格在一个蹲在车边的小男孩身上。一看就知道,这一定是个性情顽劣的孩子,他的口袋鼓鼓囊囊的,装的全是石子。只见他不时拿出一颗石子,朝车下扔去。我心中不免生出些许义愤:“这小孩太讨厌了!这些车子要倒霉了!孩子的父母真应该把他弄回家去,好
2010年最大的收获之一是走进了《书屋》。经林贤治先生推荐,杂志编辑们悉心帮助,一篇拙文终于露面了,心中的喜悦不亚于回中国探亲时飞机着陆的一瞬间。  “那么兴奋?”“是。”旁人怎样我不知道,在我其实是双倍的兴奋,就像被狼叨走的孩子,回来只会舔盘子,努力学英语那几年,听、说中文没问题,可坐下写,半天依然是白纸一张。中文书写,语言几乎已成干枯的井,流不出,挤也难,现在虽慢,但毕竟又见缓缓清泉。  托编
很多时候,死亡是很残酷的。年迈的黄狗睁着浑浊的眼睛,看着老主人提着屠刀走向它,它顺从地低下了头,变成了灶台上香喷喷的狗肉;邻居的花猫死了,被装在黑黑的塑料网袋里,挂在河边的树枝上,任凭野鸟们叼走它酸酸的肉,最后只剩下一张软塌塌的皮。  人的死亡,有时并不比这些来得温和。  燥热的天,人们的心好像被放在火炉上干烤一样,火燎燎地疼。大伯他们在三老爹的灵前已守了几个通宵,上下眼皮直打架,意识却一直清醒,