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朋友,对于乐徽图案,您也许并不陌生,在音乐会或音乐书刊上会经常看到,可您知道吗?这种图案,就是一种最古老的弹奏乐器——抱琴。抱琴源于亚洲。二千多年前,有个名叫美尔古里的埃及人,在尼罗河畔的沙滩上散步,无意中踩到一只干枯的龟壳,突然,那龟壳发出了美妙的铿锵声,引起了美尔古里的注意。他反复试验,确认龟壳能发出美妙的音响,回家后,美尔古里就用龟壳制成了四弦琴。这四弦琴弹奏起来,叮咚有声,音色优美,后来传至希腊,并在希望流行,得名为“抱琴”。 You may not be stranger to the Emblem, and you will often see it in concerts or music books. Do you know that? This is the oldest instrument ever played - the harp. Pylons originate in Asia. More than two thousand years ago, a man named Mergury, walking on the beach by the Nile, inadvertently stepped on a dry turtle shell. Suddenly, the turtle shell made a wonderful sonorous sound that caused Merguri’s attention. He repeated tests to confirm that the turtle shell could make a wonderful sound. After returning home, Mercuri made a ukulele with a turtle shell. The ukulele played, ding dong sound, beautiful tone, and later spread to Greece, and in the hope of popularity, named “hold the piano.”
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