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王朝古都乌尔乌尔古城位于今伊拉克首都巴格达东南约300千米的穆盖伊尔。乌尔城是公元前3000年时乌尔第三王朝的首都,被认为是世界上最早的城市。1922年到1934年英国考古学家伍利领导的不列颠博物馆与美国宾夕法尼亚大学联合考古队,对乌尔遗址进行了大规模的系统发掘,为了解两河流域南部的早期历史提供了丰富的实物资料。如今的乌尔古城遗址大致呈圆形,内有庙宇、神祠和宫殿的遗址,其中最著名的是祭奉月神的巨 Ancient capital of the ancient Urur city is located in the Iraqi capital Baghdad about 300 km southeast of Mugayil. The city of Ur is the capital of the Third Reich of Ur in 3000 BC and is considered the earliest city in the world. From 1922 to 1934 British archaeologist Woolley led the British Museum and the University of Pennsylvania joint archeology team on the site of Ur ruins on a large scale, in order to understand the early history of the southern basin of the two rivers provides a wealth of physical information . The ruins of Ur ancient city today are roughly circular, there are temples, shrines and palaces ruins, the most famous of which is dedicated to worship the moon giant
CNOOC Limited plans a total capital expenditureof US$7.93 billion in production growth and intensiveexploration program for 2010,representingan increase of 29.5
卵巢非赘生性囊肿是一种良性潴留性囊肿(r t ntion cyst),是由于生理或病理的原因,于卵巢囊腔内有液体潴留,囊腔渐大,当腔内压达到一定程度后,囊腔壁的细胞萎缩,囊液分泌停
We report a synthetic design and the experimental exploration of preparation of disubstituted polyacetylenes(PAs,P3) through 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azides
Given the serious supply deficit of natural gas in thewinter of 2009, some urea makers that use natural gas asfeedstock decided to seek other raw materials.The