
来源 :华东科技管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenglian_chen
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为使我市科技成果的商品化和向生产转化跃上新台阶,当前要围绕本届政府任期内科技进步对工业贡献率提高到45%、对农业贡献率提高到50%的目标,重点抓好转变一个观念,健全转化机制,发展一支队伍,建立推广基金四个方面的工作。 1.树立科技成果价值观念。长期以来,我国科研院所单纯靠国家下计划,拨经费,成果由经济部门安排生产,逐步形成了成果无偿使用,不重视成果推广的痼疾。另一方面,囿于多年沿习而来的“大锅饭”,只求出成果,不管出效益,“酒好不怕巷子深”,危机和竞争意识淡薄。这些传统观念和痼疾皆不利于科技成果转化为生产力:要改变之,必须通过多形式、多途径,全方位的宣传、教育,提高全社会科技成果价值观,激发 In order to bring the city’s commercialization of scientific and technological achievements to a new stage of production and transformation, we should focus on the goal of raising the contribution rate of science and technology to industry to 45% and the contribution rate of agriculture to 50% during this term of government. Good change a concept, improve the transformation mechanism, the development of a team, the establishment of four aspects of promotion fund work. 1. Establish the value of scientific and technological achievements. For a long time, scientific research institutes in our country simply allocated funds according to the plan of the state and the results were arranged by the economic sector for production. Gradually, results of the project were used at no cost and the results were not valued. On the other hand, after years of studying the “big pot of rice” that has been learned from many years, it has only come out with results. Regardless of the effectiveness, “there is no shortage of wine in the alley,” and the crisis and the sense of competition are weak. These traditional concepts and diseases are not conducive to the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces. To change it, we must promote and value the scientific and technological achievements of the whole society through multiple forms, channels and omni-channels, and stimulate them
一、前言 TIG型氩弧焊在工业上已广泛应用。但是其热功率低、熔深小,在焊接厚板时不得不采用多层焊,故生产率低。很多焊接工作者建议在焊接高导热性能的铜及铜合金、中等厚