Increased glycated basic fibroblast growth factor in diabetic skin reduces the cell viability and an

来源 :上海交通大学学报(医学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:winston_he
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Objective To explore the glycation of basic fibroblast grow th factor( bFGF) in diabetic skin.Methods The abdom inal full-thickness skin tissues from 58 patients( 29 diabetic and 29 non-diabetic) aged 40 to69 years and granulation tissues from 15 patients( 8 diabetic and 7 non-diabetic) aged 50 to 59 were analyzed.The proportion of advanced glycation end products( AGEs)-b FG F intotal b FGF was measured with co-immunoprecipitation and the histological characteristics of wound skin were detected with hem atoxylin and eosin staining. The cell viability, apoptosis, and angiogenesis of human derm al m icrovascular endothelial cells( HDMECs) after exposure to AG Es-b FG For bFGF were measured with cell counting kit-8, flow cytom etry,and tube form ation assay, respectively. Results The proportion of AG Es-b FG F in total b FG F showed agedependent increaseboth in diabetic and non-diabetic skin. As com pared with non-diabetic skin, the constituent ratio in diabetic skin increased significantly in the equal age-group, and the same result could be obtained in granulation tissues from patients aged 50 to 59. The proportion of AG Es-b FG F in diabetic granulation was low er than that in diabetic skin from patients aged 50 to 59. H istological analysis show ed few er vessels in diabetic skin wound. In vitro, the viability and vascularization of H D M EC s were promoted by b FG F and inhibited after exposure to AGEs-bFGF for 7d. Conclusion The present study indicates that one cause for im paired wound healing in diabetic skin could be the glycated b FG F and its changed angiogenic function. Objective To explore the glycation of basic fibroblast growth th factor (bFGF) in diabetic skin. Methods The abdom inal full-thickness skin tissues from 58 patients (29 diabetic and 29 non-diabetic) aged 40 to69 years and granulation tissues from 15 patients ( 8 diabetic and 7 non-diabetic) aged 50 to 59 were analyzed. The proportions of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) -b FG F intotal b FGF was measured with co-immunoprecipitation and the histological characteristics of wound skin were detected with hem atoxylin and eosin staining. The cell viability, apoptosis, and angiogenesis of human derm al m icrovascular endothelial cells (HDMECs) after exposure to AG Es-b FG For bFGF were measured with cell counting kit-8, flow cytometry, and tube formattion assay, respectively. Results The proportion of AG Es-b FG F in total b FG F showed age dependent ILb increased in diabetic and non-diabetic skin. As com pared with non-diabetic skin, the constituent ratio in diabetic skin increased significantly ly in the equal age-group, and the same result could be obtained in granulation tissues from patients aged 50 to 59. The proportion of AG Es-b FG F in diabetic granulation was low er than that in diabetic skin from patients aged 50 to In vitro, the viability and vascularization of HDM ECs were promoted by b FG F and inhibited after exposure to AGEs-bFGF for 7d. Conclusion The present study indicates that one cause for im paired wound healing in diabetic skin could be the glycated b FG F and its changed angiogenic function.
今年70岁高龄的王正华是国内旅游业著名的“散客之王”。王正华生于大上海,他年轻时是个公职人员。改革开放后,他看着老百姓收入开始提高,意识到旅游业将会发生彻底的变化。因为当时的中国还没有“个人出游”的概念,旅游都要仰仗单位组织才行。  1985年,王正华辞去公职,在上海一条小街上搭了个只有两平米的小铁屋,成立了春秋旅行社,没想到当年就开始大幅盈利了。10年后,春秋旅行社就因抢得先机而成为全国最大的旅
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