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他身材修长,风度翩翩,普通话中略带南方口音。他为人正直,严于律己;思维敏捷,办事干练;尽职敬业,顾全大局;热爱考古,扶携后学。他年轻时曾拉得一手小提琴,溜冰场上也可一展身手。他极善言谈,话若投机,则如高山流水,绵绵不断;但有白酒相助,更显意犹不尽,而指间的雪茄总是常灭常点。他就是文博学院考古专业退休教师王世和教授。星转斗移,别亦天常。2004年7月,王世和先生因病住院,病榻之上与癌患顽强地抗争了两个多月。10月1日凌晨4时50分许,他似于清醒之中拔掉了氧气管,在黎明来临之际从容而安详地走了,享年71岁。先生去世的消息立即在文博考古界引起了不小的震动。国内及日本多家文博考古单位、亲 He is slender, graceful, and has a slightly southern accent in Mandarin. He is honest, strict with oneself; quick thinking, able to do things; due diligence, take into account the overall situation; love archeology, support after school. He used to play violin when he was young, skating rink. He is very talkative, if speculative words, then such as mountains and rivers, endless; but with white wine, but also more than enough indelible, while the fingers of the cigar is always off often. He is Professor Wang Shihe, a retired teacher of archeology at Wen Bo Institute. Star transfer to fight, do not have the same. In July 2004, Mr. Wang Shihe was hospitalized for illness due to illness. On the sick couch, he staunchly opposed the cancer for more than two months. At 4:50 am on October 1, Xu seemed to unplug the oxygen tube from awake. At the dawn of dawn, he calmly and calmly left, at the age of 71. The news of his death immediately caused a lot of vibrations in the archeology industry. Domestic and Japan a number of cultural archaeological units, pro