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我是个“晚报迷”。每天读中央、省、市三级党报了解天下大事,注视风云变幻;再读读晚报愉悦一下身心,增添些许生活情趣,这样干起工作来格外有劲儿,与他人交谈也有了滔滔不绝的话题。我想,全国如我贪恋晚报者,定然多得难以胜数。我每天翻阅的晚报,有羊城晚报、新民晚报、北京晚报,还有我们哈尔滨的新晚报;有时在街头报摊上还买些其他省市出刊的晚报。这些晚报风格各异,各展其长,读起来很有味儿,像一只无形的手紧紧地揪住你的心。晚报之所以具有这种功能,是因为与大众的衣、食、住、行紧密 I am a “night fan”. Read the Central Party Committee at the provincial, municipal and municipal levels every day to understand the great events in the world and keep a watchful eye on the changing situation; read the Evening News to delight and refresh the mind and body, add a little bit of life to work, and work exceptionally hard; talking to others also has an endless stream of topics . I think the whole country, as I am eager for evening glitz, would surely have won it. The daily newspapers I read every day include the Yangcheng Evening News, the Xinmin Evening News, the Beijing Evening News, and our new Evening News in Harbin. Sometimes I also buy evening newspapers published by other provinces and cities on the street newsstands. These evening posters have different styles, each has its own unique style, its taste is very long, it tastes like an invisible hand and firmly grips your heart. The reason why evening possesses this kind of function is because the clothes, food, shelter and transportation are closely linked with the public