
来源 :儒教研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:netwanderchf
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作为东亚及现代西方批判性学术圈子内的一种传统,儒家的定义一直颇受争议,本文将从其争议性的定义开始回顾。很多学者认为Confucianism是一个英文专用语,而在中国战国时期所产生的儒学运动的第一次浪潮中并没有相类似的概念。当然,宋代以前(960~1279)的中国学者可以确认他们自己是儒教徒或儒生,而非佛教徒和道教徒。宋代的儒学复兴被普遍认为是在儒家历史上第二次大浪潮,它甚至冲向了中国海岸以外的朝鲜、越南和日本。只不过,正当儒道(the Confucian Way)看似即将在外部西方帝国主义势力的挑战和内部激进中国知识分子的批判的双重压力下而在中国消亡之时,一批中国学者在20世纪初开始了一场儒学运动的复兴与改革。这次复兴就好比儒学发展的第三次浪潮。儒家/儒学能在整个东亚复兴吗?如果能的话,那么现代化的儒家将是什么样子呢?经过三代的复兴,经过改革和更新了的现代新儒家正在整个东亚地区发展起来,并且成为一次多样化的、重要的哲学和文化运动。另一个引发兴趣的问题是儒家能否从东亚移进北美和欧洲?儒家会否在波士顿、北京、上海、香港、台北、首尔、京都以及东京成为一种可移动的智性传统(portable intellectual tradition)?初步答案是肯定的,儒学确实可以在21世纪的哲学和宗教辩论中起到积极的作用。 As a tradition in the critical academic circles of East Asia and modern West, the definition of Confucianism has been controversial and the article begins with a review of its controversial definition. Many scholars believe that Confucianism is an English jargon, and there is no similar concept in the first wave of Confucianism in China during the Warring States Period. Of course, Chinese scholars before the Song Dynasty (960-1279) could confirm that they themselves were Confucians or Confucian scholars, not Buddhists and Taoists. The revival of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty was generally considered to be the second great wave in the history of Confucianism. It even went to North Korea, Vietnam and Japan outside China’s coast. Just as the Confucian Way appears to be imminent in China under the dual pressures of the external imperialist imperialist challenge and the internal radical Chinese intellectuals’ criticism, a group of Chinese scholars began the early 20th century Revival and Reform of a Confucianism Movement. This revival is like the third wave of the development of Confucianism. Can Confucianism / Confucianism revive throughout East Asia? If so, what will a modern Confucianist look like? After three generations of rejuvenation, the modern Neo-Confucianism, which has been reformed and updated, is being developed throughout the East Asian region and diversified The important philosophical and cultural movement. Another issue of interest is whether Confucianism will move from East Asia to North America or Europe. Will Confucianism become a portable intellectual tradition in Boston, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Kyoto, and Tokyo? The initial answer is yes, Confucianism can indeed play a positive role in the philosophical and religious debates of the 21st century.
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