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2005年11月,国务院成立了长江三峡三期工程验收委员会,分设枢纽工程、移民工程和输变电工程三个验收组,分别代表国务院验收委员会对三期枢纽工程、移民工程和输变电工程进行阶段验收。在156米蓄水之前的2006年5月,三峡三期工程全面验收工作便已正式启动。三种验收中,三期输变电工程已于去年年底宣告通过验收。验收组20日在上海完成了对三峡至上海±500千伏直流输电工程的验收。这标志着耗资343.87亿元的三峡输变电主体工程已全面建成。今年7月,枢纽工程验收组对三峡三期工程进行了检查验收。验收组认为,三峡工程形象和质量满足规范和设计要求,全面具备蓄水175米条件。中国水利水电规划总院向验收组专家组提交的安全鉴定报告称,三峡工程挡水建筑物已经按照设计要求全部建成。三峡水库蓄水至135米、156米监测成果表明,挡水建筑物及金属 In November 2005, the State Council established the Acceptance Committee for the Three Gorges Project of the Three Gorges Project, which is divided into three acceptance groups: hub project, resettlement project and power transmission and transformation project, representing the State Council Acceptance Committee on behalf of the three phase of the hub project, resettlement project and power transmission project Carry out stage acceptance. Before the 156-meter water storage in May 2006, the full acceptance of the Three Gorges Project Phase III has been officially started. Three acceptance, the three power transmission project has been declared at the end of last year passed the inspection. Acceptance group completed in Shanghai on the 20th Shanghai ± 500 kV DC transmission project acceptance. This marks the total cost of 34.387 billion yuan of the Three Gorges power transmission project has been fully completed. In July this year, the inspection and acceptance project of the Three Gorges Project was carried out by the acceptance project of the hub project. Acceptance Group believes that the Three Gorges Project image and quality to meet the norms and design requirements, fully with 175 meters water storage conditions. China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Planning General Assembly to the inspection team submitted to the safety assessment report that the Three Gorges Project retaining structures have been completed in accordance with the design requirements. Three Gorges Reservoir impoundment to 135 meters, 156 meters monitoring results show that the water retaining structures and metals
说到常见的健身运动,专家提倡的是有氧运动(aerobics,aerobic exercise)。常见的有氧健身运动包括跑步(running)、慢跑(jogging)、散步(walking)、游泳(swimming)、爬山(cli
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NBA 巨星迈克尔·乔丹是不少年轻人崇拜的偶像。作为运动员,他拥有过人的天赋和出众的技术;作为球队领袖,他调动一切积极因素,带队六夺总冠军;作为知名人物,他奉献自己的爱心