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美国通过一系列判例和成文法树立了美国的页岩气能源资源所有权及经营权的法律原则——杜哈姆(Duham)原则、获取原则和强制联营原则。美国石油天然气的所有权认定适用杜哈姆原则,即不适用一般矿产资源所有权确认依从土地所有权确认的天空原则。石油天然气作为非固体矿产资源,遵行获取原则确定所有权归属。获取原则主张原土地所有人原则上拥有位于土地之下的石油天然气资源,但在他实际控制这些石油天然气之前,不能排除相邻土地所有权人获取这些石油天然气的权利。在充分考虑到页岩气的物理特性、页岩气矿产分布的相邻关系及其开发利用的经济效率、环境外部性管制等因素的前提下后,美国石油天然气开发经营实行强制联营原则。美国的这些页岩气产权法律原则为所有权主体、相邻权主体和资源开发经营主体的利益提供较有效的法律保护。美国页岩气产权法律原则的,美国的这些造法思维和成文强制联营法等经验对完善我国页岩气所有权和经营权体系、健全我国页岩气的效率管理有着积极的参考意义。 Through a series of precedents and written laws, the United States has established the legal principles of ownership and management of shale gas energy resources in the United States - the Duham principle, the acquisition principle and the principle of co-operation. Ownership of U.S. oil and natural gas applies the Duhams principle that does not apply to the general ownership of mineral resources Confirmation of sky principles based on recognition of land ownership. As a non-solid mineral resource, oil and gas shall be subject to ownership according to the principle of acquisition. The principle of acquisition asserts that the original landowners, in principle, own the resources of oil and gas under the land, but they can not rule out the right of neighboring landowners to acquire these oil and gas until they actually control these oil and gas. After taking into account the physical characteristics of shale gas, the adjacent relationship of shale gas mineral distribution and its economic efficiency of development and utilization, environmental externalities control and other factors, the United States to implement the principle of compulsory oil and gas development. These legal principles of shale gas property rights in the United States provide more effective legal protection for the interests of the subject of ownership, the subject of neighboring rights and the subject of resource development and operation. The legal principles of shale gas property rights in the United States, the thinking of these practices in the United States, and the written coercive association law have a positive reference value for improving the system of ownership and management of shale gas and improving the efficiency management of shale gas in China.
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