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人性的存在有着无尽的可能,善当然存在,恶也一直存在。每个人在自己的人生途中都可能会犯错,不论错误造成什么样的后果,人们都乞求用歉意和忏悔来弥补自己的过失。随着时间的流逝,人们渐渐忽视了那些曾发生在身边的、历历在目的罪恶,忘记了罪恶下隐藏的人性的扭曲,开始放纵心性。我们也并不是不能原谅所有的伤害,或者是要强制人们来学着责难。只是,罪恶一一的发生了,我们就要学会思考,是什么诱发了这一桩桩“惊心动魄”的血淋淋的悲剧。随着事实的剖析,人性之恶着实令人震惊,但人性之路该怎样继续走下去,也同样值得大家来探讨。 The existence of human nature has endless possibilities, of course, good exists, evil has always existed. Everyone may make mistakes on his own life, no matter what the consequences of mistakes, people beg to use apology and repentance to make up for their own negligence. As time goes on, people gradually ignore the distortions that have occurred around them and have been forgotten about the hidden human nature under their guilt, and have begun to indulge the mind. Nor can we not forgive all the hurt, or to force people to learn censure. Only when evil happens, we must learn to think and what has caused the bloody tragedy of this pile of “soul-stirring”. With the factual analysis, the evil of human nature is indeed alarming. However, it is also worth discussing how to continue the road of human nature.
1.菊芽的选择秋末冬初,选取根部发出的脚芽(抱头芽最好)作扦插材料,根部若没有芽,用腋芽(带踵的不能用)也可。然后用利刀去掉基部叶子,仅留芽头和芽心,同时把基部削平。 2.
问:我从山上挖回几株野生雀梅,经蟠扎培养,绿叶滴翠。但最近突然每盆都死去一个枝片,实在可惜。这是否原是野生雀梅的关系?怎样预防? 河南许彬桐答:你说的这种现象,我们称之
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