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1949年国民党当局败退台湾后,屡屡派遣飞机窜犯大陆,并令其驻金门的部队炮击福建沿海村镇,严重威胁东南沿海重要城镇的安全和社会主义建设.1958年7月中旬,台湾当局又趁美国军队入侵黎巴嫩,镇压中东人民革命之机,一面狂妄叫嚣“加速进行反攻大陆的准备”,一面频频出动飞机,对福建、粤东沿海地区实施航空侦察,并积极筹划攻击大陆的重要军事目标.金门国民党军更是有恃无恐,加紧对福建沿海进行袭扰.中东事变和台湾当局的趁火打劫,引起了毛泽东主席的极大关注,经过周密审慎的思考,一个重大的战略决策在他心中形成.于是,中国现代史上爆发了一场声势浩大的炮击金门战斗.毛泽东决定炮击金门,航空兵部队紧急入闽炮击金门,是从人民解放军航空兵部队紧急入闽开始的.1958年7月18日晚,毛泽东紧急召集中央军委副主席和海、空军领导人等,就惩罚蒋军和支援 After the Kuomintang authorities retreated to Taiwan in 1949, they repeatedly dispatched aircraft to the mainland and ordered their troops in Kinmen to shelled the coastal villages and towns in Fujian Province, seriously threatening the security and socialism of important towns along the southeastern coast. In mid-July 1958, the Taiwan authorities took advantage of As the United States forces invaded Lebanon and suppressed the revolution in the Middle East, they arrogantly called for “accelerating preparations for a counterattack to the mainland.” They frequently dispatched aircraft to carry out aerial reconnaissance over the coastal areas of Fujian and eastern Guangdong and actively planned major military targets for attack on the mainland. The KMT army in Kinmen even took advantage of it and intensified its harassment of the coast of Fujian Province. The events in the Middle East and the looting by the Taiwan authorities aroused the great attention of Chairman Mao Zedong. After careful and cautious thinking, a major strategic decision was formed in his mind. Mao Zedong decided to shelter Kinmen and the aviation units immediately pressed into Kinmen by the armies of the People’s Liberation Army from the emergency entry of the People’s Liberation Army Aviation Corps into Fujian. On the evening of July 18, 1958, Mao Zedong called an urgent call to the Central Government Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission and leaders of the sea and air forces punished Jiang Jun and others support
采用RT-PCR方法,从蒺藜苜蓿(Medicargotrunctula)中克隆了二氢黄酮还原酶(DFR)基因cDNA片段,并进行DFR基因植物表达载体的构建.结果表明:扩增的DFR基因片段全长约1 000 bp,编码337