Root fertilization is the fertilizer dubbed a certain concentration of aqueous solution, sprayed directly on the crop leaves, the leaves absorb the nutrients needed for crop growth and development. Fertilization on the outside of the root is an economical and effective method of fertilization, which can make up for the deficiencies of nutrient absorption in the root system under adverse environmental conditions and crop growth and development and is a supplement to soil fertilization. Root out-fertilization has been widely used on vegetables, not only to increase vegetable yield, but also to improve quality and extend supply. In use, should grasp the following points in order to improve the effect of fertilizer outside the root. First, the correct choice of varieties of vegetables and more suitable foliar fertilizer varieties, but not all fertilizers can be used as root fertilization. Different types of fertilizer leaves the ability to absorb and use different applications have a certain difference, should pay attention to the choice of use. Where the harvest is meat