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水文自动测报系统是一种先进的雨情、水情、工情信息实时收集处理系统。它应用通信、遥测和计算机技术完成江河、水库、流域内降雨量、水位、流量、闸门开启度等水、雨、工情参数的实时收集和处理,以实现防洪、灌溉、供水、发电等优化调度,是水库工程管理和防汛自动化管理的一个非常有效的手段。我省羊毛湾水库自动测报系统于1989年10月由省防汛通讯计算中心、省水文总站进行测站选点和电路测试工作;水利部水调中心在该工程设计、设备投资方面给予了大力支持和帮助;1990年8月,进行了设备安装和调试工作,经汛期试运行,系统性能良好。 Automatic hydrological data reporting system is an advanced rain, water conditions, conditions information real-time collection and processing system. It uses communications, telemetry and computer technology to complete the real-time collection and processing of water, rain and work conditions such as rainfall, water level, flow rate and gate opening in the rivers, reservoirs and drainage areas in order to optimize flood control, irrigation, water supply and power generation Dispatch is a very effective means of reservoir project management and flood control automation. The automatic measurement and reporting system of Woolwamu Reservoir in our province was selected by the Provincial Flood Control Communication Computing Center and Provincial Hydrological Station in October 1989 for site selection and circuit testing. The water transfer center of MWR gave great support in this project design and equipment investment And help; August 1990, carried out equipment installation and commissioning work, the trial run by the flood season, the system performance is good.
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