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目的使骨髓供者能够正确认识骨髓移植对受者的作用及重要性,了解采髓术的安全性,积极主动的为受者提供骨髓的捐献,从而保障骨髓采集顺利进行。方法我们根据供者年龄、知识背景以及对知识的接受程度、供者的心理状态,灵活的采取了口头讲解、书面教育、随机性教育三种教育方式,对50例供者有针对性地采取相应的心理护理和健康教育。结果 50例供者中有12例供者在骨髓采集前产生焦虑、紧张、入睡困难等不适,30例供者担心手术后会影响自身的健康,8例供者对骨髓采集术知识缺乏,通过我们的健康教育和心理护理,38例供者完全了解了骨髓移植对受者的重要性及采髓术的全过程,捐献骨髓对供者的健康没有影响;12例供者不同程度地消除了焦虑、紧张、恐惧等心理,减轻骨髓移植供者的心理负担,促使了手术的顺利进行,挽救了患者的生命。结论通过对供者实施健康教育和心理护理,可以使供者了解捐献骨髓的相关知识,调动了供者的主观能动性,树立正确观念,消除紧张、恐惧的心理,减轻心理负担,为移植受者提供了更多的生存几率。 Purpose To make bone marrow donors understand correctly the effect and importance of bone marrow transplantation on recipients, to understand the safety of the harvesting technique and to offer bone marrow donation proactively to the recipients so as to ensure the successful bone marrow harvesting. Methods According to the donor’s age, knowledge background and the degree of acceptance of knowledge, the psychological state of the donor, we adopted three kinds of education methods: verbal explanation, written education and randomized education, and targeted 50 donors Corresponding psychological care and health education. Results Twelve of the 50 donors had anxiety, nervousness and difficulty falling asleep before the bone marrow harvest. Thirty donors were worried about their own health after surgery, and 8 donors lacked the knowledge of bone marrow harvesting. Our health education and psychological care, 38 donors fully understand the importance of bone marrow transplantation recipients and the whole process of mining surgery, donated bone marrow donors have no effect on the health of donors; 12 patients to varying degrees to eliminate Anxiety, tension, fear and other psychological, reduce the psychological burden of bone marrow donor, prompting the smooth operation, saving the lives of patients. Conclusion Through the implementation of health education and psychological care for donors, donors can understand the donation of bone marrow related knowledge, mobilize the donor’s subjective initiative, establish the correct concept, eliminate tension, fear of psychological and reduce the psychological burden for transplant recipients Provides more chance of survival.