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前不久,我有幸参加市机关事务工作协会组织的后勤工作考察团,赴德国、法国、意大利等西欧国家进行考察。这次考察虽然只有短短的14天,但是所见所闻,感触远远超出想象,真可谓开阔了眼界,增长了见识。借鉴西欧国家的有些做法,将有益于今后的工作。现摘取部分见闻如下: 生态环境建设成绩显著——城市郁郁葱葱 西欧诸国,不仅现代化程度以及科学技术的高度发达让人难以忘怀,他们搞好环境整治的意识和绿化建设水平给人印象更深。我们途经13个城市或小镇,无论是繁华的巴黎、布鲁塞尔、阿姆斯特丹,还是风情并茂的扎达姆风车村、卢森堡、斯图加特,处处绿树成荫,绿草如茵,给人一种十分舒适、幽静的感觉,加上或古老或现代派的建筑风格,使人宛如置身于旷大的“天堂”之中。 在那些国家,不仅绿地面积大,环境整治、环境保护工作也做得好。我们所到之处,没见人乱抛纸屑,也没见人清扫,废物箱也不多见,空气清新,蓝天白云悠悠。保护环境、保护健康似乎已成为市民们的自觉行动。 Not long ago, I was fortunate enough to take part in the logistical work tour organized by the Municipal Association of Public Service Organizations and went to Germany, France, Italy and other Western European countries for an inspection. Although this visit was only a short period of 14 days, what I saw and heard felt far beyond the imagination. It really broadened my horizons and increased my knowledge. Drawing on some of the practices of Western European countries will benefit the future work. Now we can see some of them are as follows: Significant Achievements in Ecological Environment Construction - The lush cities in the world Not only are modernizations and highly developed science and technology unforgettable, their awareness of environmental remediation and the level of afforestation are even more impressive. We travel through 13 cities or towns, whether it is the bustling Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam or the Zadar windmill village of rich customs, Luxembourg, Stuttgart, everywhere lush, green grass, giving a very comfortable , A sense of seclusion, or an ancient or modernist architectural style makes one feel like being in a vast “paradise.” In those countries, not only is the area of ​​greenbelt large, environmental remediation, and environmental protection are well done. Wherever we went, no one littered with paper, nor saw people sweeping, litter boxes are rare, the air fresh, blue sky and white clouds. Protecting the environment and protecting health seem to have become citizens’ conscious actions.
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改革开放以来,我国居民消费保持持续增长。同时,其增长又表现出不稳定性,呈周期变动。 自1978年~1997年,我国居民消费共增加了34358.7亿元,年平均增加1808.35亿元,年平均增长
目的 通过对雌雄大鼠由交配前到交配期直至胚胎着床给药,观察DMY中药对大鼠的生育力和早期胚胎发育的影响,为评价DMY中药的安全性提供实验依据.方法 采用SPF级SD大鼠,雌雄各100只,随机分为3个剂量组(0.8,2.0和5.0 g·kg-1·d-1)和1个溶媒对照组(0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠),每组含50只雄雌各半,每天灌胃已配制好的药液或溶媒,分别连续灌胃给予雄鼠4周、雌鼠2周后,以1∶1合笼交
目的:建立风痛宁颗粒中粉防己碱的含量测定方法。方法:采用高效液相色谱法测定风痛宁颗粒中粉防己碱的含量。流动相为甲醇-0.3%二乙胺(80∶20);流速:1 mL.min-1,柱温:室温;检
AIM: In order to obtain lymphogenous metastasis-associated genes, we compared the transcriptional profiles of mouse hepatocarcinoma cell lines Hca-F with highly