消除施工挡道干扰 创造良好施工环境

来源 :施工企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teamworkhlc
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近年来,工程施工挡道一直困扰着施工企业。征地拆迁、工程施工,甚至队伍搬迁因受到地方群众的干扰纠缠,往往困难重重。本文试结合自身实践,就如何解决工程施工挡道问题谈些浅见。一、施工挡道的基本成因工程中的施工挡道,是地方群众用于向建设单位或施工企业索赔及取得额外收入的一个手段。多年来,由于难以找到遏制其发生发展的有力措施,这一现象已成为基础设施建设的一大“公害”,直接危害着国家和施工企业的社会和经济效益。究其原因,主要是:1.有关政策不到位。主要是国家用于工程建设的有关政策,如征地、拆迁、农转非、招工等政策不能进入实位,群众为维护自身利益,施工挡道就成了其要求解决问题的“法宝”。2.工程施工损害了群众利益。如:机、车运行中侵占地界、庄稼受损,取卸土、碴超过划定范围,机 In recent years, the construction of roads has always plagued construction companies. Land requisition and demolition, project construction, and even the relocation of teams due to the disturbance of the local people are often difficult. This article, combined with its own practice, talks briefly about how to solve the problem of engineering construction. First, the basic cause of the construction of the road construction of the construction of the road, is the local people used to claim compensation from the construction unit or construction company and obtain a means of additional income. Over the years, as it has been difficult to find effective measures to curb its occurrence and development, this phenomenon has become a major “public hazard” for infrastructure construction, which directly jeopardizes the social and economic benefits of the state and construction enterprises. The main reasons are: 1. The relevant policies are not in place. It is mainly related to national policies for project construction. For example, policies such as land requisition, demolition, non-agricultural transfer, and recruitment can’t enter the actual position. In order to safeguard their own interests, the construction of the road has become the “magic weapon” required to solve problems. 2. The construction of the project has damaged the interests of the people. Such as: Machines, vehicles in the occupied territory, damaged crops, unloading soil and concrete exceeding designated scope,
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