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在家靠父母,出外靠朋友,在江湖上行走,更不可没有朋友。小伍也想交几个朋友,当然是要能肝胆相照生死与共的那种。这天,小伍上了一家酒楼,刚坐下不久,便又来了四个汉子。那四人看看酒楼已经客满,惟有小伍这桌只有一个人,就过来道:“朋友,四海之内皆兄弟,相逢何必曾相识,我们江东四义请你一起喝一杯如何?”小伍是个爽快人,也喜欢这种爽快的邀请,况且江东四义在江湖上也并非无名之辈,交这样的朋友也正是他之所愿,就请他们 At home rely on their parents, go out to rely on friends, walking in the arena, but not without friends. Xiao Wu also want to pay a few friends, of course, is to be able to share the same life and death. On this day, Wu on a restaurant, just sit down soon, then they came four men. The four people have to look at the restaurant has been full, only Wu table only one person, came: “friends, all quarters are brothers, why met once, we Jiangdong Siyi please drink together? ”Wu is a refreshing person, also like this refreshing invitation, Moreover, Jiangdong Siyi in the arena is not unknown, make such friends is exactly what he wants, please ask them
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摘 要:分组教学体现了学生在课堂活动中的主体地位,小组活动的过程更培养了学生的合作精神、创造精神和探究精神。  关键词:分组教学特点;优势及方法;信息技术  新课程教育理念要求教育教学面向全体学生,注重个性发展,讲求全面素质的提高,因此课堂教学的组织形式也要随之改变。如今,信息技术课已经成为基础教育中的必修课,我们要在提高信息技术课堂教学的实效上下工夫,以学生小组为基本单位,系统地利用网络互动,努
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