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历史学的学习,是基于对历史文献的研究即是史料的研究。史料,指的是长期以来,人类在各种实践活动中遗留下来的具有历史参考价值的历史文献资料。史料的形式多种多样,有历史文献、实物文献,还有口述文献。通过丰富多彩的史料,可以对历史学进行详细、系统、全面的研究。史料也为我们提供了最为真实客观的第一手史学研究资料。对于历史教学来讲,史料教学也最为高效、常用的历史教学法。在高中历史教学中,通过对史料的学习和讲解,学生对历史会有更加直观的理解。本文就史料在高中历史教学中的应用展开探讨。 The study of history is based on the study of historical documents that is the study of historical data. Historical data refers to historical documents with historical reference value that have been left over from various practical activities for a long time. The forms of historical materials vary widely, with historical documents, in-kind documents, and oral documents. Through a variety of historical materials, history can be detailed, systematic and comprehensive study. Historical data also provides us with the most true and objective first-hand historical data. For history teaching, historical teaching is also the most efficient and commonly used method of history teaching. History teaching in high school, through the study of historical materials and explain, students have a more intuitive understanding of history. This article discusses the application of historical materials in history teaching in high school.
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