Unique cyclic deformation behavior of a heavily alloyed Al-Si piston alloy at different temperatures

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xtepnui2020
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The cyclic deformation behavior of a near-eutectic Al-Si piston alloy with a variety of alloying elements is investigated.Due to the distinctive microstructure,the alloy exhibited various cyclic deformation characteristics at different temperatures.Unique double-stage cyclic hardening occurred at room temperature,while the first hardening was mainly caused by the interaction between the dislocations and the finely dispersive precipitates,and the dislocation/dislocation interaction resulted in the second hardening.At elevated temperatures(200℃ and 350℃),the alloy mainly presented cyclic softening because of the fact that the thermally activated dislocations could bypass or shear the obstructive precipitates. The cyclic deformation behavior of a near-eutectic Al-Si piston alloy with a variety of alloying elements is investigated. Due to the distinctive microstructure, the alloy exhibiting various cyclic deformation characteristics at different temperatures. , while the first hardening was mainly caused by the interaction between the dislocations and the finely dispersive precipitates, and the dislocation / dislocation interaction resulted in the second hardening. At elevated temperatures (200 ° C and 350 ° C), the alloy mainly presented cyclic softening due of the fact that the thermally activated dislocations could bypass or shear the obstructive precipitates.
Hepatic arterial infusion (HAI) of chemotherapy can be performed in cases of liver-confined metastatic disease,resulting in increased local drug concentrations.
摘要:“任务型阅读”是指通过各种语言活动的形式来考查学生语言运用能力,考查学生在限定的时间内能否“按要求辨认语言结构、内容、事物发展的顺序和程序”。本文通过访谈,从学生的角度分析了江苏省2010~2014年间高考英语任务型阅读试题,对其进行分析、思考,并提出其对英语教学的启示。  关键词:学生眼中的任务型阅读;分析思考;启示  中图分类号:G427文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(
[摘 要] 高职院校教研教改,创新教学模式就是要校企合作给学生更多的实训机会,提高学生的专业技能和职业素质、素养。因此,实训室的建设意义重大,而民办院校资金有限,实训室建设是一个薄弱环节,结合实际工作就民办高职院校实训室建设进行了初步的探讨。  [关 键 词] 民办高职;物流实训室;建设  [中图分类号] G717 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2016)28-0118-0