HIV/AIDS cases on rise in China

来源 :Chinese Medical Journal | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bldhdh
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China reported 18 543 new cases of HIV carriers and 4314 cases of full-blown AIDS in the first half of this year.Two thousand and thirty-nine people died of the disease in the first six months of the year,said HAN Meng-jie,assistantto the director of the office with AIDS Control Work Committee of the State Council.By late July,the accumulated number of AIDS/HIV patients in China totaled 214 300,of which people with full-blownsymptoms of the disease numbered 56 758,and 18 246 had died of the killer disease,Han said at a recent symposium China reported 18 543 new cases of HIV carriers and 4314 cases of full-blown AIDS in the first half of this year. Two thousand and thirty-nine people died of the disease in the first six months of the year, said HAN Meng-jie , assistant to the director of the office with AIDS Control Work Committee of the State Council ..By late July, the accumulated number of AIDS / HIV patients in China totaled 214 300, of which people with full-blows ofmptoms of the disease numbered 56 758, and 18 246 had died of the killer disease, Han said at a recent symposium
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