Error Analysis in Frequency Domain for Linear Multipass Algorithms

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaisun
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Error analysis methods in frequency domain are developed in this paper for determining the characteristic root and transfer function errors when the linear multipass algorithms are used to solve linear differential equations, the relation between the local truncation error in time domain and the error in frequency domain is established, which is the basis for developing the error estimation methods. The error estimation methods for the digital simulation model constructed by using the Runge-Kutta algorithms and the linear multistep predictor-corrector algorithms are also given. Error analysis methods in frequency domain are developed in this paper for determining the characteristic root and transfer function errors when the linear multipass algorithms are used to solve linear differential equations, the relation between the local truncation error in time domain and the error in frequency domain is established, which is the basis for developing the error estimation methods. The error estimation methods for the digital simulation model constructed by using the Runge-Kutta algorithms and the linear multistep predictor-corrector algorithms are also given.
39岁的潘人凤,现任“红帽象亲子乐园”大陆区总经理。经手运作多家分店,均获成功。在台湾生长的他为什么能在大陆如鱼得水呢?他的创业经历是怎样的呢?  我走进潘人凤的办公室时,他正在泡功夫茶。潘人凤说,茶叶都是从台湾带过来的,还有这些零食。说着从茶几下拿出一包酷似山楂片,名叫“豆干”的零食请我尝。“我来内地快十年了,还是吃不惯这儿的小吃零食”。说话间电话响起,他用还算地道的武汉话接起电话来,边说边点上
作为根植于公民社会之中的最基本的道德和政治价值,公共精神是一种以他人、公民和社会为依归的价值取向,主要体现在道德伦理、政治价值 As the most basic moral and politi