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3月2日,新接管全省消防工作的副省长郑培民专程到省消防总队听取了全省消防工作的情况汇报,并作了重要指示。他说,全省消防工作会议已经开了,对今年的工作安排思路很清楚,现在的关键是要一心一意干实事,扎扎实实抓落实。一个是消防宣传工作。去年国家公布的几起大火的处理结果就是一个很好的宣传。为什么国务院要部署对公共文化娱乐场所的消防安全进行检查整顿?为什么上上下下各级领导都出动?这是因为大家都感到一种压力,一种忧患,一旦出了问题,无法向组织和人民交待。一个是消防检查执法。不能满足于发文件、作指示,要一个单位一个单位地检查落实,不然的话,就发现 On March 2, Zheng Peimin, the new governor of the province who took over the province’s firefighting work, made a special trip to the provincial fire brigade and listened to reports on the fire fighting work in the province and made important instructions. He said that the fire prevention work conference in the province has been opened and the thinking on the work arrangement for this year is very clear. The key now is to do one thing with due diligence and do it in a down-to-earth manner. One is a fire promotion. Last year the state announced several fires deal with the result is a good publicity. Why does the State Department plan to inspect and rectify the fire safety in public cultural and entertainment establishments? Why are the leaders at all levels up and down? This is because everybody feels a kind of pressure and a kind of worry. Once there is a problem, it can not provide the organization and people explain. One is fire inspection law enforcement. Can not be satisfied with the documents, for instructions, to a unit to check the implementation of a unit, otherwise, we found
病史摘要 钟某某,男,33岁,衣民。患者于1989年3月18日下午出现无明显诱因的头昏、眩晕,站立不稳,呕吐、耳鸣。休息数天后好转,生活自理,有时仍感轻度头昏。两周后上述症状复
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