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财群组发[2014]3号各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅(局)党组:按照中央办公厅《关于开展第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动的指导意见》,财政部教育实践活动领导小组研究制定了《关于在注册会计师行业开展第二批党的群众路线教育实践活动的指导意见》。现印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻落实。 Finance Bureau (2014) No. 3 Finance Bureau (Bureau) Party Group of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities Directly under the Central Government: In accordance with the Guiding Opinions of the Central Government Office on Carrying out the Mass Line Education Practice Activities by the Second Batch of Parties, the Leading Group of Education Practice Activities of the Ministry of Finance Study and formulate the “Guiding Opinions on Carrying Out the Mass Line Education Practices of the Second Batch of the Party in the CPA Industry.” Now that you have been issued to you, please conscientiously carry it out in light of our reality.
We demonstrate a new scheme for generation of optical frequency comb(OFC) based on cascade modulators, 23 comb lines within 0.5 d B spectral power variation are
研究了硅雪崩光电二极管(APD)对光通信波段近红外光子在不同频率、强度,以及APD不同偏压下的双光子吸收效应(TPA)。通过实验详细测量了光频率从186.3 THz到196.1 THz变化时AP
AIM:To identify the differential proteins associated withcolorectal cancer genesis and hepatic metastasis.METHODS:Hydrophobic protein samples were extractedfro
The primary function of a linguistic sign is to express and convey meaning; thus meaning is a central issue in linguistic semiotics. Throughout the history of t
BACKGROUND: The major causive factors of gallbladder carcinoma are very complex. Cholecystitis with gallstone was reported one of the most important factors. Ma
走进桃曲坡灌区,无论是在局机关还是在基层站,也许是办公楼,也许是会议室,你时不时会发现这样一条醒目的标语: “团结一心,爱局如己,负重奋进,争创一流”。 字体或者不一,大