来源 :Chinese Journal of Cancer Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plghqr
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Objective: To evaluate the relationship between flow cytometric DNA ploidy, biological features and prognosis in patients with Stage II colorectal cancer. Methods: Nuclear DNA content, proliferation index and S-phase fraction were measured in a prospective series of 45 patients with curatively resected Stage II colorectal adenocarcinomas by means of flow cytometry using frozen tumor samples. Results: Of the 45 samples examined, 17 tumors (38%) were diploid and 28 (62%) aneuploid. The diploid tumors were significantly more common in the proximal colon than in the distal colon (67% vs. 23%; P<0.01). There was no correlation between DNA ploidy and the other clinicopathological variables (P>0.05). The proliferation index and S-phase fraction in the distal tumors were higher than those in the proximal tumors, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). When the 5-year survival rate of patients with Stage II colorectal cancer was compared by the log rank test, a significant relationship between DNA ploidy status and disease free survival was observed in the group of all patients. Patients with DNA diploid tumors had a better disease free survival than those with DNA aneuploid tumors (P<0.05). Conclusion: These findings support that DNA ploidy status, proliferation index and S-phase fraction may differ in the proximal and distal colorectal cancer. Flow cytometric DNA ploidy status might be a useful prognostic factor in patients with Stage II colorectal cancer. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between flow cytometric DNA ploidy, biological features and prognosis in patients with Stage II colorectal cancer. Methods: Nuclear DNA content, proliferation index and S-phase fraction measured measured a series of 45 patients with curatively resected Stage Results: Of the 45 samples examined, 17 tumors (38%) were diploid and 28 (62%) aneuploid. The diploid tumors were significantly more common in the proximal colon than The distal colon (67% vs. 23%; P<0.01). There was no correlation between DNA ploidy and the other clinicopathological variables (P>0.05). The proliferation index and S-phase fraction in the distal tumors were higher than those In the proximal tumors, but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). When the 5-year survival rate of patients with Stage II colorectal cancer was compared by the log rank test, a significant relationshi p between DNA ploidy status and disease free survival was observed in the group of all patients. Patients with DNA diploid tumors had a better disease free survival than those with DNA aneuploid tumors (P<0.05). Conclusion: These findings support DNA ploidy status , diffusion index and S-phase fraction may differ in the proximal and distal colorectal cancer. Flow cytometric DNA ploidy status might be a useful prognostic factor in patients with Stage II colorectal cancer.
我们对周围熟悉的一切往往视而不见,听而不闻,好像生活永远在别处,永远在远方,其实,只要你留心,你会发现美丽就在你身边。 We often turn a blind eye to everything we kno
1.圣诞节要特别小心一般这种时候,人们常会把小狗当作圣诞礼物。你们到了新环境,要活下去,就需要火鸡肉、甜馅饼、酒心巧克力、包装 1. Christmas should be particularly
不必再操心     1717年,伏尔泰因为讥讽摄政王奥尔良公爵,被囚禁在巴士底监狱十一个月之久。出狱后,吃够了苦头的伏尔泰知道此人冒犯不得,便去感谢他的宽宏大量,不计前嫌。摄政王深知伏尔泰的影响,也急于同他化干戈为玉帛。于是两人都讲了许多恰到好处的抱歉之辞。最后伏尔泰再一次表示感谢说:“陛下,您真是助人为乐,为我解决了这么长时间的食宿问题,我再次衷心地向你表示感谢,但今后,你就不必再为这件事
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