Dongfeng has fixed a sales goal of 80 billion yuan supported by Nissan

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The Nissan and Dongfeng Group-based Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd, which has the largest investment in the history of the industry, opened officially for business on July 1. With a total investment of USD 2 billion and 70,000 employees, the company is the first joint venture in China which plans a full range of truck, light commercial and passenger vehicles. According to president Nakamura, the company has established a management The Nissan and Dongfeng Group-based Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd, which has the largest investment in the history of the industry, opened officially for business on July 1. With a total investment of USD 2 billion and 70,000 employees, the company is the first joint venture in China which plans a full range of truck, light commercial and passenger vehicles. According to president Nakamura, the company has established a management
今年是中国石材工业协会创办二十周年。协会决定开展一次全国性的庆祝中国石材工业协会创办二十周年和石材工业发展专题研讨征文活动。 一、目的与意义 征文活动是庆祝中国
<正> 广东省江门市发展计划局、建设局及监察局日前联合发出通知,要求进一步加强江门市建设工程招标投标管理工作,严格执行有关招标投标法规,严禁领导干部插手建
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广东汕头远东轻化装备有限公司FTB1800型电脑自动多功能复合涂布机组试制成功,并于2003年7月22日通过了省级成果鉴定。 一、研制目的 随着我国加入WTO,与国际进一步接轨,有
I. Market characteristics of diesel engines for trucks in 2002 The domestic truck market in 2002 developed quickly in terms of production and sales, which gave