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党和政府历来都十分重视安全生产,李鹏总理非常重视安全生产工作。今年六月他亲自提议召开了以铁路为中心,包括民航、交通、公安的全国交通安全工作会议。当前我国正处在全面深化改革的时期,十三届三中全会提出明后两年改革和建设的重点要突出地放在治理经济环境和整顿经济秩序 The party and government have always attached great importance to production safety. Premier Li Peng attaches great importance to work safety. In June this year, he personally proposed convening a national traffic safety conference centered on the railway, including civil aviation, transportation and public security. At present, our country is in a period of deepening the reform in an all-round way. The Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee proposes that the reform and construction in the next two years should focus prominently on the control of the economic environment and the rectification of the economic order
我厂造纸机的干燥部,曾先 后出现过由于摩擦而引起的着火 事故。通过研究分析,现将我们 的体会介绍给大家,希望对国内 的同行有所裨益。 滚动轴承损坏,摩擦发热而 着火,这是
以箱体零件为例,用实验的方法分析了夹具与工件接触面形貌及夹紧力的分布对夹紧误差的影响。 Taking the box parts as an example, the influence of the distribution of
将模糊集合理论应用于渐开线齿轮传动的可靠性设计中 ,对隶属函数的选择进行了分析 ,推导了模糊可靠度的计算公式 ,并举例说明之。 The fuzzy set theory is applied to the
With the development of Chinese economy at high speed continuously for a decade, the oil consumption has entered into a fast increasing phase that with yearly a
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