
来源 :生物骨科材料与临床研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nive123nive
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胡永成,男,52岁,主任医师、硕士生导师,天津市“131”工程人才,现任天津医院骨肿瘤科主任。1986年毕业于大连医学院,1995年在解放军进修学院获医学博士学位,2005年赴美国UCSD大学进修一年。胡永成教授致力于骨科事业二十余年,在国内率先开展恶性骨肿瘤新辅助化疗和辅助化疗的应用研究。积极开展脊柱、骨盆、四肢肿瘤术前栓塞、化疗,取得了满意效果,在各种骨肿瘤的诊断及治疗方面积累了丰富的临床经验。发表学术论文172篇,以第一作者被SCI的收录11篇,参与主编专著17部,承担并完 Hu Yongcheng, male, 52 years old, chief physician, master tutor, Tianjin “131 ” engineering talent, the incumbent Tianjin hospital bone tumor department director. He graduated from Dalian Medical College in 1986 and received his MD from PLA in 1995. In 2005, he went to UCSD University for one year. Professor Hu Yongcheng committed to orthopedic career more than 20 years, the first in China to carry out neoadjuvant chemotherapy for malignant bone tumors and adjuvant chemotherapy applications. Active spine, pelvis, limbs preoperative embolization, chemotherapy, and achieved satisfactory results in a variety of bone tumors diagnosis and treatment has accumulated rich clinical experience. Published 172 academic papers, with the first author included by the SCI 11 articles, editor-in-chief monograph 17, bear and finish