I. Preface The current treatment of schistosomiasis drugs, although the most effective antimony potassium tartrate, but the drug toxicity, the patient often have the feeling of discomfort, the other such as Bu Xi antimony ammonium bicarbonate toxicity is small and the effect is not significant , But also unstable and can not be boiled for sterilization. Therefore, we want to find a drug that is easy to manufacture, less toxic and has a therapeutic effect on schistosomiasis. According to the nature of sucrose, it can combine with calcium hydroxide and other hydroxides. According to the research of Nissim, the toxicity of the sugar-containing iron preparation is less than that of the sodium brorate, which is available for intravenous injection. The sugar of the cauliflower is detoxified, With the use of can significantly reduce the toxicity, at the same time, antimony with both Bu sugar acid in alkaline solution into the combination of Bu 缶 sugar acid antimony 卜, or Bu 缶 antimony ammonium borate, and may be 20