
来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lu153
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采用有限元分析和计算流体动力学耦合数值分析方法(FEA/CFD),研究了考虑转子系统由于高速旋转造成转子径向伸长效应时袋型阻尼密封的泄漏特性和流场形态.计算了密封间隙为0.13mm时,袋型阻尼密封试验件在3种压比、3种转速下的泄漏量,并与试验值和不考虑转子伸长效应的CFD数值模拟结果进行了比较,验证了所采用的FEA/CFD数值方法的可靠性(误差小于1.3%)和高转速下考虑转子伸长的必要性.研究了6种压比、6种转速下密封间隙为0.25mm的袋型阻尼密封的流场和泄漏量,分析了压比和转速对袋型阻尼密封泄漏特性的影响规律.结果表明:当压比大于0.26时,随压比的减小,袋型阻尼密封泄漏量逐渐增大;当压比减小到一定值时(π<0.26),泄漏流体的马赫数在最后一个密封齿间隙处达到1.0,即发生了堵塞,此时泄漏量达到与密封进口总压相对应的最大值;在高转速下,考虑和不考虑转子半径的伸长,密封泄漏量均随转速的增大而减小;在转子面周向马赫数大于0.35时,需要考虑转子半径伸长对泄漏量的影响. The finite element analysis and computational fluid dynamics coupled numerical analysis (FEA / CFD) were used to study the leakage characteristics and flow field of the bag-type damping seal considering the radial elongation of the rotor due to the high-speed rotation of the rotor system. When the clearance is 0.13mm, the leakage of the bag-type damping seal at three pressure ratios and three speeds is compared with the experimental results and the CFD numerical simulation results without considering the rotor elongation effect, The reliability of the FEA / CFD numerical method (the error is less than 1.3%) and the necessity of considering the rotor elongation at high rotational speed were studied. The effects of six damping ratios, six kinds of seal speeds of 0.25mm Field and leakage, the influence of pressure ratio and speed on leakage characteristics of bag-type damping seal was analyzed.The results showed that when the pressure ratio was greater than 0.26, the leakage of bag-type damping seal increased gradually with the decrease of pressure ratio, When the pressure ratio is reduced to a certain value (π <0.26), the Mach number of the leaking fluid reaches 1.0 at the last sealing tooth clearance, ie, the blockage occurs. At this time, the leakage amount reaches the maximum corresponding to the total pressure of the seal inlet. At high speeds, consider and not test An elongated rotor radius, and seal leakage volume decreases with increasing speed; larger than 0.35, the elongation of the rotor radius to consider impact on leakage to the circumferential surface of the rotor at Mach.
我的家乡很美丽,山清水秀,美如画,特别是家乡的笋江公园,婀娜多姿。春天,春姑娘走进公园,万物复苏。小草探出碧绿的小脑袋,向春姑娘招手,小花朵见春姑娘来 My hometown is v
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行业标准《塑料门窗安装及验收规程》(JGJ103-96)已于1997年1月1日开始实施。规程共分6部分。 第一部分为总则。 第二部分为门窗质量要求,计分材料质量要求和门窗质量要求2