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“6·14”第十一个“世界献血者日”宣传活动期间,广州战区在广州、武汉、长沙、南宁、桂林、湛江、海口共设七个现场。战区三军将士和武警官兵积极响应总部和军区号召,广泛开展献血法规和常识宣传、献血咨询、现场献血、预约献血、招募献血志愿者等系列活动。联勤部卫生部部长周学君出席了驻粤部队活动现场,并作动员讲话、带头献血。战区陆海空部队、军队院校、武警部队共2800多人参加此次活动,1700多名官兵参加献血,90多人递交了无偿捐献造血干细胞申请书。此次活动呈现师以上领导干部带头献血,分管献血工作的同志、采供血机构领导带头献血,医务人员自觉献血,广 During the promotional activities of the 11th World Blood Donor Day on June 14, the Guangzhou Theater consisted of seven sites in Guangzhou, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanning, Guilin, Zhanjiang and Haikou. Warzone officers and armed police officers and men responded positively to the call of headquarters and the military region, and carried out a series of activities such as donating blood regulations and common sense, donating blood consultation, donating blood on site, reserving blood donation, and recruiting blood donation volunteers. Zhou Xuejun, Minister of Health of Joint Logistics Department, attended the scene of the activities of the troops stationed in Guangdong and made a mobilization speech and took the lead in donating blood. More than 2,800 troops from the armed forces, armed forces academies and armed police units in the theater attended the event. More than 1,700 officers and soldiers participated in the blood donation and more than 90 submitted applications for gratuitous donations of hematopoietic stem cells. This activity shows that the leading cadres at or above the division take the lead in donating blood and comrades in charge of blood donation work. The leaders of blood collection and delivery agencies take the lead in donating blood, the blood donors are conscientious and the blood donors are widely
2009年初房地产价格上涨是最先从一线城市开始的,在四月份国家密集出台新政后,一线城市房价得到控制。但201 0年下半年以来房价上涨开始蔓延到二三线城市,目前二三线绝大多数