村电工查电遭殴打 供电站依法讨公道

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1997年8月21日,因查电被殴打的村电工张同桥刚刚伤愈出院,就拿到了供电站通过法律手段为他讨回的医药费、误工费。至此,山东宁津县出现的又一起殴打村电工事件,在公安机关和电业部门的相互配合下,得到了圆满解决。 今年52岁的张同桥,是宁津县相衙镇乡前纸村电工。由于当时旱情严重,全村12眼机井昼夜不停,为保证村民浇地用电,他与本村另一名村电工轮流值班。8月17日上午,张同桥在查电时发现村民张军瑞所用电表被人为倾斜,走字不准,遂停电查询。张军瑞拒不承认事实,并威胁说:“你都50岁开外的人了,还能管一辈子电吗?”张同桥理直气壮地回答:“我当一天村电工,就要负责一天!”并坚决要求其到村委会说明情况。张军瑞操起铁锨,并用拳猛击村电工张同桥的头部,造成面部受伤。 On August 21, 1997, Zhang Tongqiao, a village electrician who was beaten up by the Zhadian Electric Power Company, was discharged from the hospital immediately and got the medical fees and falsifying fees for him recovered through legal means. So far, another incident of assaulting the village electricians in Ningjin County of Shandong Province has been satisfactorily solved with the mutual cooperation of the public security organs and the electric power departments. Zhang Tongqiao, 52, is a former paper village electrician in the phase of the town of Yajin, Ningjin County. Due to the severe drought at that time, 12 wells in the village were kept working day and night. In order to ensure that the villagers irrigated the land, he and other village electricians in his village took turns on duty. On the morning of August 17, Zhang Tongqiao found that the electricity meter used by Zhang Junrui villager was artificially tilted. When the power was on, he checked out the power. Zhang Junrui refused to acknowledge the fact and threatened: “You are 50 years old outside the people, but also a lifetime of power?” Zhang Tongqiao confidently replied: “When I day village electrician, will be responsible for one day!” And insisted that it be Village committee to explain the situation. Zhang Junrui picked up the iron block and punched the head of the village electrician Zhang Tongqiao with his fist, causing facial injuries.
上了出租车我就跟师傅说:“前面红绿灯往右拐。”说了三遍,师傅也没应声。  “师傅,你睡着了?”  “死了。”  妈呀,一具尸体拉着我满街跑。  “在昆仑饭店这儿堵一上午了,这车就没动乎,我都快睡著了。大街上跑的全是送礼的车。”  “快过年了嘛,可以理解。”  电话响了。  “眼珠子是摆设啊?没看见水池子上有条带鱼?……怎么不够?剁五段,我吃两段,儿子吃一段,头尾你一收拾,焖上一锅大米饭。……买什么
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