
来源 :工程塑料应用 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanxichen6
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一种广泛应用于生产无滴膜的DYFW-01内添型防雾剂日前由山东莱阳市大易化工有限公司研制成功并投放市场。将该产品添加到树脂内,可制成一种低表面张力的薄膜,当水蒸气蒸发后碰到该薄膜表面时不会像其它薄膜上的水那样收缩成折光水滴附着于薄膜,而是形成连续的水膜沿棚壁流下,因而赋予塑料大棚薄膜很好的防雾防滴效果,并使射入的太阳光线不发生折射、反射,极大地提高了透光性。 A widely used in the production of drip film DYFW-01 Tim-type anti-fogging agent Recently, Laiyang City, Shandong Danyang Chemical Co., Ltd. successfully developed and put on the market. The addition of this product to the resin produces a low surface tension film that does not shrink as water droplets on other films adhere to the film as the water vapor hits the surface of the film but rather forms The continuous water film flows down the wall of the shed, thus giving the plastic greenhouse film a good anti-fog and anti-drip effect and preventing the incident sunlight from refraction and reflection and greatly improving the light transmission.
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非普拉宗(feprazone,又名戊烯松) ,在临床上主要用于活动性风湿病、类风湿病关节炎、肩周炎等疾病的治疗。该品种收载于天津市及山东省药品标准 ,其溶出度测定目前国内外尚无规定。由于
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目的考察国产异丁司特缓释胶囊的人体相对生物利用度。方法12名男性健康受试者随机分为3组 ,分别口服单剂量日本产异丁司特缓释胶囊20mg、国产异丁司特缓释胶囊20mg、异丁司
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患者 ,男 ,6 1岁。主因头晕伴右侧肢体麻木 2 0 d于 1999年 9月 2 3日入院。既往有高血压病史 2 0余年 ,糖尿病史 1a余。否认结核、肝炎、药物过敏史。查体 :T:36 .5℃ ,P:84