【摘 要】
The 505 Vital Herb Kneepads and shoulderpads incorporate the best natural herbs, acupuncture points along the Jing and Luo channel of the human body with the C
【出 处】
China's Foreign Trade
The 505 Vital Herb Kneepads and shoulderpads incorporate the best natural herbs, acupuncture points along the Jing and Luo channel of the human body with the Chinese ancient secret recipe. They can relieve chills and pain, invigorate blood circulation, reduce swelling and strengthen muscles and bones. They have a marked therapeutic and health effect on knees, shoulders, surrounding tissue and upper and lower limbs.
The 505 Vital Herb Kneepads and shoulderpads incorporate the best natural herbs, acupuncture points along the Jing and Luo channel of the human body with the Chinese ancient secret recipe. They can relieve chills and pain, invigorate blood circulation, reduce swelling and strengthen muscles and bones . They have a marked therapeutic and health effect on knees, shoulders, surrounding tissue and upper and lower limbs.
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’93全国设备诊断技术交流学术会议经过全体专家和代表的共同努力,圆满地完成了各项学术研讨的任务。 开幕会议上,中国机械工程学会设备维修分会理事长郑国伟致开幕词,设备
各位理事、各位代表: 四川皮革工业在省委、省政府领导同志的关怀指导和省级有关部门的支持配合下,经过“八五”前三年的发展,皮革重点科技攻关有较大突破,产品质量、档次提