春风送暖蕴真情 便民办税暖税户

来源 :中国税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guigui198302
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广东省国家税务局从纳税人需求出发,紧贴时代发展潮流,依托信息科学技术,努力为纳税人提供个性化的“省心”、看得见的“诚心”、面对面的“舒心”、全天候的“贴心”、信得过的“暖心”服务,纳税人足不出户就可以轻松办理涉税业务,让纳税人真正体验到快捷办税、方便办税的实惠。双“微”平台让纳税人享受个性化的“省心”服务某公司财务部王小姐要去天河区国税局办理业务,却又不知具体位置,王小姐淡定地打开手机上的微信,通过“广州国税”的官方服务号,很快就找 The State Administration of Taxation of Guangdong Province, starting from the demands of taxpayers and keeping up with the trend of the times, relies on information science and technology to strive to provide individual taxpayers with “peace of mind”, visible “sincerity,” face to face “Comfortable”, all-weather “caring ”, trustworthy “warmhearted ” service, taxpayers can easily handle the tax-related business without leaving home, so that taxpayers really experience the fast tax, to facilitate tax The benefits. Double “micro ” platform to allow taxpayers to enjoy the personalized “peace of mind ” service Miss Wang, a company’s financial department to go to the Tianhe District IRS business, but I do not know the specific location, Miss Wang calmly open the phone WeChat, through the “Guangzhou national tax ” official service number, soon to find
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