一、绪言婆婆指甲菜(Cerastium viscosum Linn.)采石竹科植物据“江苏南部种子植物手册”对婆婆指甲菜的形态描写如下:石竹科(Caryophyllaceae)寄奴花属(CerastiumLinn)婆婆指甲菜(Cerastium viscosum Linn.)为直立簇生的二年生草本,遍体密生柔毛,高可达26厘米。茎下部紫红色,上部绿色。叶对生,茎部叶匙形,上部叶卵形至椭圆形,全缘,先端钝或微凸,茎部园钝,主脉明显,凸出于叶背,长1-2厘米,宽0.5-1.2厘米。二义式聚?花序,萼
I. INTRODUCTION Hervassina (Cerastium viscosum Linn.) Carnation plants According to the “Handbook of Seed Plants in Southern Jiangsu”, the description of her mother’s fingernails is as follows: Caryophyllaceae (Cerastium Linn) Hermaphrodite (Cerastium viscosum) Linn.) is a two-year-old herb that grows upright, densely pilose, up to 26 centimeters tall. The lower part of the stem is purplish red and the upper part is green. Leaves opposite, leaf blade spatulate, upper leaves ovate to elliptic, entire, apex obtuse or slightly convex, stem blunt, main veins prominent, protruding from the back of the leaf, 1-2 cm long, 0.5 wide -1.2 cm. Ambiguous polymorphism, indigo