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入口警察在超级市场追捕小偷,却发现小偷已逃脱。“怎么搞的?我不是吩咐你们守住所有出口吗?”警长责怪部下。一名警员答道:“我们都按你的吩咐做了,只不过他是从入口逃掉的。”核心竞争力男子去提亲,女方家长:请自我介绍。A说:我有1000万;B说:我有一栋豪宅,价值2000万;家长很满意。就问C,你家有什么?C答:我什么都没有,只有一个孩子,在你女儿肚子里。A和B无语,走了。此事的重要启示:核心竞争力不是钱和房子,是在关键的岗位有自己的人。 The entry police chased the thief in the supermarket, but found the thief had escaped. “How to do? I’m not commanding you to hold all the exports?” “Sergeant blame the men. A police officer replied: ”We have done as you ordered, but he escaped from the entrance. " The core competitiveness of men to propose marriage, the woman’s parents: Please introduce yourself. A said: I have 10 million; B said: I have a mansion, the value of 20 million; parents are very satisfied. Ask C, what is your home? C: I have nothing, only one child, in your daughter’s stomach. A and B speechless, gone. Important revelation of this matter: the core competitiveness is not money and house, is in the key positions have their own people.
和同事许姐出差回来,上火车后,她给老公打电话:“不用来接我啊,真的不用……打车很方便的,你来来回回反倒折腾……别浪费咱家汽油了……”半开玩笑地说几句收线。  奇怪,还有提这样要求的?这列火车到站时间为下午五点半,鬼都知道这个点的出租车难打,好多司机在交班,不顺路都不拉。她呢,明明老公有车,却还偏不让来接,汽油再贵也贵不过打车钱吧?我年轻,因此多嘴好奇,火车开了不到半分钟,就憋不住询问许姐:“干嘛不
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