银行业 估值提升 但不必追高

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近期银行板块的上涨是银行股股价的合理回归。但持续的降息、扩大优惠利率下浮范围造成的息差下降对于银行而言是短期内难以消除的硬伤。建议最好是在估值回落至1.5倍PB左右时择机配置,不宜追高。 The recent rise in the banking sector is a reasonable return of bank shares. However, the continuous interest rate cut and the widening of the spread caused by the falling of the prime interest rate are the flaws that banks can hardly eliminate in the short run. The best advice is the valuation down to 1.5 times the PB or so when the optional configuration, should not chase high.
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2008年1月26日,一代名媛章含之溘然辞世,走完72载传奇人生,女儿洪晃追忆母女深情。    1    洪晃出身名门,出生后,便与外公章士钊一家住在北京史家胡同一个古朴的四合院里。那时候父母工作忙,无暇顾及她,只有周末时一家三口才能见上一面,没等年幼的洪晃在父母的怀抱里体味够亲情温暖,夫妇俩便匆匆离去。聚少离多,亲情自然就淡薄了许多,用洪晃的话说,那时候,对父母的感情还没有对外公外婆深。  “文