市场经济就是通过市场作用对资源进行合理配置,克服资源利用中的浪费,提高经济效益。 道路货运市场开放以后,对调动各行各业“一起上”,缓解“运输难”。已取得显著成效。但货源配置,由于疏于管理,市场混乱,配置不合理,尚没有达到提高运输经济效益的目的。近年来,各地区运输管理部门为加强货源配置的合理性,提高运输经济效益,组建了各种类型的有
Market economy is the rational allocation of resources through the market to overcome the waste of resource utilization and improve economic efficiency. After the opening of the road freight market, it is necessary to “move together” all walks of life to ease the “hard transportation.” Has achieved remarkable results. However, due to lack of management of supply and disposition, market confusion and unreasonable allocation, the purpose of improving the economic efficiency of transport has not yet been achieved. In recent years, the transportation administration departments of various regions have set up various types of logistics systems to enhance the economic benefits of transportation in order to strengthen the rationality of the supply of goods,