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住我家对门的王丽,今年24岁,因阴道大量出血而快要休克了,被120急救车送至医院,检查后才知道是异位妊娠,输卵管破裂大量出血,腹腔积血导致剧烈腹痛和休克,入医院后直送手术室急救,经大量输血、切除了输卵管才挽救了性命。王丽的老公是学化学的,不懂医道,回来他问我们:“我太太上了环,怎么还会怀孕,惹出这么大的祸?” 其实他太太早已患上慢性盆腔炎,为了这种妇科病,他们家没少来麻烦我们,我太太是医院的护士,在大医院工作,对各科专家比较熟悉,再加上近年来医院看病难,不找个熟人拉拉关系,看病还真有点不放心,再加上他太太是妇科病,找个女同志陪陪更放心,故他太太常来我家,我对她的病也有所了解。 Live in front of my house, Wang Li, 24 years old this year, due to a large number of vaginal bleeding and almost shock, 120 ambulances were taken to the hospital to check after that ectopic pregnancy, tubal rupture massive bleeding, abdominal blood lead to severe abdominal pain and shock , Directly into the hospital after the first emergency room operation, after a large number of blood transfusions, removal of the fallopian tubes to save lives. Wang Li’s husband is learning chemistry, doctors do not understand, come back and asked us: “My wife on the ring, how pregnant, provoke such a big disaster?” "In fact, his wife already had chronic pelvic inflammatory disease, For this gynecological disease, their home did not bother us, my wife is a hospital nurse, working in a large hospital, more familiar with all subjects, coupled with the hospital in recent years the difficulty of medical treatment, do not find an acquaintance Lara relationship, see a doctor Really a little worried, coupled with his wife is a gynecological disease, to find a lesbian to accompany more assured, so his wife often come to my house, I know about her illness.
本文使用空斑形成细胞(Plaque-formingcell)技术测定自家免疫性甲状腺疾病的病人外周血K淋巴细胞水平。 Grave’s病的甲状腺毒症病人K淋巴细胞的百分数和绝对数明显低于正常
我家养了只宠物狗,报纸杂志上宣传怀孕期间养宠物容易导致胎儿畸形,请问养狗一定会使胎儿畸形吗?青岛 王玉珠玉珠朋友:报纸杂志上所叙述的“怀孕期间养宠物容易导致胎儿畸形
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